Innalillahe Wa Inna Ilaihe Rajiuoon!
Hazrat e Aqdas Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar (RehmaUllah) is jahan-e-faani se aaj (2 Jun 2013) rehlat farma gaye.
Allah Rabbul Izzat Un Ke Darjaat Buland Farmaye, Ameen!
Note : Namaz-e-Janaza will offered at Ashraf-ul-Madaris, Sindh Baloch Society (Gulistan-e-Jauhar) at 9 AM, InshaAllah!
What a great lost for us....we have became an orphan.
Ya ALLAH grant our Beloved Sheikh Hazratwala (RH) lofiest rank in Jannah and place him in the best of place in Jannah.