Heart Breaking News : PIA Flight From Chitral To Islamabad Crashed - Junaid Jamshed With Wife On Board
Very sad news about PIA Flight No.661 crashed flying on the rout Chitral to Islamabad with atleast 47 passengers On-Board. It was said that the chances of survival is very minimal.
May protect them, May ALLAH bless them all Jannah Tul Firdaus, Ameen!
Further its confirmed that Bhai Junaid Jamshed with his wife was on board, he was on the visit to Chitral for the NUSRAT of Bhai Saeed Anwar's Jamat already working Dawah and Tableegh work there.
Recently Junaid Jamshed has also posted a picture while he was there.
The Passenger list confirmed that the Junaid Jamshed with his wife was booked for the travel on this flight.
Army rescue team and other recue teams were still unable to reach the crash spot and still are trying to locate and reach.